Monday, February 25, 2013

PTSD: We Must Now Carry The Soldier; Resources For Military Families + Finances; Triple Nickles: America's First Black Paratroopers

"As the soldier carried the burden of war, we as a society must now carry the soldier." Kevin Sites

PTSD: Not All Wounds Are Visible

I've written a number of pieces on PTSD over the years (refer to my January 12, 2012 posting entitled, "PTSD: Not All Wounds Are Visible." In it, I list incidents, treatments and resources).

The purpose of this short post is to remind readers that not all individuals with PTSD are ticking time bombs. Unfortunately, the media's coverage of those suffering with PTSD implies just that. But as Kevin Sites, a veteran war correspondent, recently correctly pointed out, "Blaming the death of the sniper {Kris Kyle} on disorder {PTSD} impugns others." If you recall, immediately after Kyle was killed by Eddie Routh, an Iraq War veteran, the media focused on Routh's alleged PTSD. To this day, I don't know if anyone even knows if Routh suffers from PTSD. But even if he does, inferences that PTSD was responsible for his actions is premature in my opinion. The fact is, and studies clearly show, that PTSD manifests itself in many ways. Both symptoms and severity vary from individual to individual.

So I urge readers and observers, don't jump to the conclusion that many suffering from PTSD are ready to snap into some type of violent action. Most do not.

Military Families Also Experience Financial Woes

Just like their civilian counterparts, military families experience financial pressures. In fact, bad credit can put a military member's security clearance at risk. Fortunately, there are places  military personnel can turn to for help. Some of these include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The Better Business Bureau offers assistance to military personnel. Tips can be found at:
  • offers information for military personnel.
  • Turbo Tax offers a free Turbo Tax military edition.
  • American Legion Family Support Network: 1.800.504.4098
  • VA Home Loans: 1.888.244.6711
In addition to the information above, military personnel must also be cognizant of scams specifically targeting them. These range from housing scams to dating services.


For Your Bookshelf

"Courage Has No Color: The True Story Of The Triple Nickles, America's First Black Paratroopers," is an illustrated history of the little-known story of the Army's 555th Infantry Battalion of black soldiers.