Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Chesty!; Army Dumps Pixel Camo; Philadelphia's Vietnam Memorial To Expand; Hero NYPD Officer Shot Twice Still Makes Arrest; RIP Police Officer Celena Hollis; VA's Health Vet

"We're surrounded. Good. Now we can kill the bastards in any direction."  Lt. General "Chesty" Puller, USMC

Happy Birthday Chesty!

Today marks the birthday of Lt. General Lewis Burwell "Chesty" Puller, USMC, born June 26, 1898. Chesty was the most decorated U.S. Marine in history. He was also the only Marine awarded five Navy Crosses. Chesty also received the Silver Star, Legion of Merit (2), Bronze Star, Air Medal and Purple Heart.  When anyone refers to a Marine's Marine, they always refer to Gen. Puller.

Chesty served in The Banana Wars (Haiti and Nicaragua), World War II and Korea.

Gen. Puller remains part of Marine folklore. In fact, in boot camp, Marines end their day with, "Good night, Chesty Puller, wherever you are."
Chesty died on 11 October 1971 at age 73. He's buried in Virginia at Christchurch Parish Cemetery. Hoooah!!!

Army Ditches Pixel Army Camo

After 8 years of use and over $5 billion in development, the Army decided to get rid of the pixel camo also known as Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP). In short, the Army reported the camo failed to do what it's suppose to do: hide the soldier.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

MIA's From Vietnam Identified; WaWa Continues To Support Our Military & Their Hoagie Salute; Happy Birthday U.S. Navy Corpsmen; Coast Guard Names Firefighter of the Year; Web Sites For Your Job Search

Those who beat their swords in plowshares will plow for those who don't...Anonymous

MIA's From Vietnam Identified

The remains of missing Air Force pilots Lt. Col. Charlies M. Walling of Phoenix and Maj. Aado Kommendant of Lakewood, N.J., were conclusively identified. The pilots were missing in action during the Vietnam War. Both pilots were flying in a F-4C that crashed while on an air support mission over Song Be Province on Aug. 8, 1966.

Lt. Col. Walling was buried earlier this month. Maj. Kommendant will be buried on Aug. 8, exactly 46 years after his aircraft crashed.

WaWa's Commitment To Our Troops Continues

If you live in any one of the mid-Atlantic states, you've visited WaWa multiple times. It's considered one of the best run companies and convenience stores in the country. WaWa has a long tradition of giving back to its community centered around health (focusing on children), fighting hunger, supporting first-responders and our military.

From June 11-July 8, 2012, WaWa will be accepting donations in all their stores. The donations will go to programs aimed at helping our troops.
Also, on June 27, 2012, WaWA Hoagie Day will be held from Noon to 2 p.m. across from Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA. WaWa will serve a 4.5 ton "hoagie salute" that will be distributed free as a "thank you" to those attending and showing their support for our troops. WaWa is partnering with the USO.

Happy 114th Birthday To U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Marines Are Rocking Cleveland; United States Army Celebrates Its Birthday; Ballfield To Battlefield; Women Veterans Health Care; Honoring Our Firefighters

"There are some who've forgotten why we have a military. It's not to promote war. It's to be prepared for peace."...Ronald Reagan
Marine Week in Cleveland, Ohio

This week Marines will be rocking Cleveland. From June 11-17, 2012, the United States Marine Corps is holding Marine Week. Events throughout the week include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Vietnam War Replica
  • Marine Working Dog Demonstration
  • Marine Corps Equipment Displays
  • Science and Technology Expo
  • Marine Band Concerts
  • Marine Martial Arts Exhibitions

Each day will begin with Morning Colors and each evening will end with Evening Colors and Taps.

The United States Army Celebrates Its 237th Birthday

Two hundred and thirty-seven years ago this week, the Continental Army was born. The Army will celebrate the continued honor, loyalty and bravery of all our soldiers.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Honoring D-Day Heroes

"History does not entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid." Gen. and Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower

D-Day 6 June 1944: The Battle of Normandy (Operation Overlord)

While The Greatest Generation proved themselves over and over again during World War II, it was at the beaches of Normandy where they were touched by fire and bound by courage.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Midway: Greatest Generation Avenged Pearl; Darkhorse Battalion; RIP Police Officer Kevin Ambrose; Veterans Go To College; Honoring Our War Dogs; PTSD Awareness Month

"I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory." Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower

The Battle of Midway: June, 4-7, 1942: Greatest Generation Avenged The Attack Upon Pearl Harbor
Today marks 70 years since the Battle of Midway. Arthur Herman, author and columnist wrote about the battle: "In one momentous afternoon the Navy not only avenged Pearl but also reversed the tide of war in the Pacific. Later victories in the battle of the Philippine Sea and Leyte Gulf (and the landings on Tarawa, Guam, Iwo Jima and Okinawa) were all made possible by the decisive win at Midway."

Japan lost four carriers, a cruiser, and almost 300 aircraft. American losses included the carrier Yorktown, one destroyer, 150 aircraft and 305 lives.

God bless the warriors of our Greatest Generation!

"Darkhorse" Battalion: One Year Ago

A little more than one year ago, the Marine's Darkhorse 3rd Battalion, 5th Regiment returned from duty after 7 months in Afghanistan. The unit suffered 24 killed in action and 175 wounded.

Darkhorse patrolled in the Sangin District in Southern Helmand province. The area was known as a key crossroad for drugs, weapons and Taliban fighters.

The 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment was first organized in June of 1917 as the United States prepared for WWI. The Battalion's long and distinguished history included battles such as Chateau Theirry in WWI, Guadalcanal and Okinawa in WWII, Vietnam, Desert Shield and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

In its history, the 3rd Battalion earned 77 decorations.
(LA Times and Darkhorse web site)

RIP Police Officer Kevin Ambrose

Police Officer Kevin Ambrose of the Springfield Police Department, MA, was shot and killed on June 4, 2012 while responding to reports of a domestic disturbance. The subject also killed a female at the scene and then committed suicide. Officer Ambrose was a 36 year veteran of the department. He is survived by his wife and two children.

Veterans Go To College

Did you know that the number of veterans signing up for education benefits has more than doubled in the last decade? In 2001, approximately 420,000 veterans attended college. Ten years later that number increased to over 900,00. Of the 900,000 veterans, over 550,000 served after 9/11. (VA)

Reminder: The VA is now accepting applications for VRAP (Veterans Retraining Assistance Program). The veteran must be at least 35 years of age and no older than 60 and currently unemployed. In addition, the veteran cannot be eligible for any other VA education benefit program and cannot be enrolled in any state or federal job training program. Applications will be accepted until Oct. 1, 2013 or until 99,000 applicants are enrolled, whichever comes first.

Honoring Our War Dogs

"War Dogs" have been used throughout military history. During WWI, they were known as "Red Cross Dogs" for their service in finding casualties and carrying messages between medical units. The United States military started using War Dogs in WWII. Their duties including being used as scouts, messengers, tunnel detection, explosive detection and much more. We used War Dogs in Iraq and now in Afghanistan for similar work. Below are images of some of our canine warriors:

June is PTSD Awareness Month.