Monday, November 4, 2013

Honoring The Military's Medics And Corpsmen: That Others May Live

"Save, To Serve Again."...109th Medical Battalion

As a former Air Force medic myself, I thought it was time once again to honor our military medics and corpsmen in images. The writings below are my own.

Battlefield Angels


I am with you...
Whispered a corpsmen to another fallen hero.

I am with you...
As he wiped the crimson tears tracking down the young Marine's face

The Marine's eyes opened slowly as he struggled to smile...
He knew Taps would not sound for him today...
For he knew he was saved by a battlefield angel.

As his pain faded and his eyelids grew heavy...
Once again the Marine heard the soft whisper of the battlefield angel.

I am with you.

Savior Down

It was raining blood on blood as tracers lit up the black sky...
Like hundreds of shooting stars on a Montana summer night.

The medic tended to another fallen hero...
Feeling a beating pulse stronger and faster than a Ringo drum roll...
He smiled.

In the distance, another familiar cry for a savior, "Medic!" "Medic!"...
He leaped to his feet and ran like he did a lifetime ago...
Through mud, helmets and cleats.

In his third stride, he felt a sudden, violent detonation in his chest...
His ribs cracked as both knees buckled.

Face up, he watched the shooting stars in the night sky...
momentarily reminding him of Independence Day back home.

His eyes slowly faded into darkness...
As he felt his heart thirst for one more beat that would not come...

A savior was down.

Saviors And Shadows

As he lie in the damp, warm soil bleeding sweat...
The young warrior could taste the salt and metal on his lips.

In the heavens, he heard the familiar rhythmic soundtrack of the approaching Birds...
Even the rotors' winds could not cool down the warm, humid air.

But he knew the saviors had arrived.

The fallen hero first felt the shadows dancing around him...
Then he felt a savior's hands mending his wounds.

He knew he would not die...
Not today.

For only battlefield warriors know the meaning of saviors and shadows.
Medics and corpsmen have been recipients of more Medals of Honor, Silver Stars, Bronze Stars and Purple Hearts than all other branches of services combined.


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